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March 16, 2016




We are so excited about our brand new series this month, The Remnant. The Remnant is the part of something that is left, when the other parts are gone. In Judges 6, we begin to see an amazing story unfold as we read about a man named Gideon. One who said his clan was the weakest in his tribe and not able to defeat the enemies plaguing his people… we learn, however, he was EXACTLY who God had chosen to do the task… because when God saw Gideon, He saw who He made him to be.


God knows the end from the beginning… so He knew that even though Gideon didn’t see greatness in himself, every tool and every gift needed to carry out his destiny was on the inside of Him. He called Gideon a mighty man of valor… Gideon, one who felt like less than average, yet God deemed Him as a mighty hero. This concept makes one realize that often the thoughts and negative views we have about ourselves are so very opposite of what God knows about who we are. It is so important that we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us and accept what He says about us as TRUTH. The freedom of an entire race of people depended on Gideon’s obedience, willingness to alter his perspective and trust in God. Even when we feel less than worthy, God is advocating for us to be strong and courageous. If we look at the world we may feel like the issues we are facing are bigger than what we can handle, or too much for one person or just a few people, but understand that God isn’t intimidated by the odds… He specializes in turning the “little” into much. God is not simply after “quantity” but quality of heart. HE chose Gideon because of who Gideon was, and used him and just “a remnant” of others to defeat the entire Midianite army… so what can God do through YOU? What are you capable of that you may not have even realized yet?


To each of you amazing world changers; when God sees you, He sees greatness because He put it there. No man can undo what He has done in you. There is a destiny that you have that is waiting on you, people who will be freed because of your choice to step into your purpose. Matthew 5:14-says “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Nothing about you is meant to blend in or be like the rest… you were born to shine and help the world to see the greatness of God.


You may see yourself as average, or just one, but remember, God sees the Champion in you. You are in the world but not of it. You were born to do what others may say can’t be done. You are here to make an impact and set captives free… and it starts with believing in who GOD says you are… Oh mighty ones… it’s your time to stand up and be the remnant… the salt, the light of the world… the city that can never be hidden or stopped.


We look forward to seeing you all this Sunday… as we wholeheartedly become that remnant that will change… that IS changing the world for the Glory of God. 





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